Friday, January 30, 2009

I'm super clumsy (long post...but I'm venting, so forgive me)

So this morning on the way into work I rolled my ankle. I went to the ER and everything. I had to keep reminding everyone that I was pregnant (at least 4 times). Seriously have a patient's record there in your hand...give it a quick once-over before walking into the exam room. Anyway...I sprained my right ankle and skinned my left knee. I didn't hit my belly or anywhere near there when I fell. I was very thankful for that.

Basicall this is how my morning went...Bus ride into work - uneventful so I won't say anything more than that. I get off the bus and start walking up to my building. The plaza in front is made up of thousands of tiles...half of which wobble and are cracked. So I'm about 20 feet from the front door and I step on the side of my foot, roll my ankle outwards, and I fall. I lay on the ground in a crap-load of pain until I realize that there are a few people that saw it happen and they are coming over to rescue me. (Whoever said Chicagonians aren't kind far as these people are concerned.) So I get up off the ground and hobble in quelching my need to cry. As soon as I get into work everyone jumped up and did so much for me. They got me ice and Tylenol, helped me elevate my foot and escorted me down the street to the hospital.

So I get to the hospital and I check in with the receiving nurse. I tell her what happened and that I am pregnant (First mention...I'll just notate this as #1). So she types some stuff into my patient chart and sends me over to the wristband lady (she's easily 2 feet away from the receiving nurse) and she asks me if I have any conditions that the doctors or nurses need to know about...umm...yes I'm pregnant (#2). She then types some notes upon this "new" news into my records and she prints out a wristband for me and has me wait in the waiting room. A couple minutes go by and the nurse that takes my blood pressure brings me to her area. As she is asking me to describe what happened I explain everything down to the Tylenol I took and the prenatal pills I'm taking (pretty good clue someone's knocked up I'd say). She then asks me if there is anyother medical condition I need to make sure the doctors and nurses are aware of...yep, I'm preganat (#3). "Oh, that is important to know...I'll make a note of that now before we send you off to the exam room." So I get to the exam room and the nurse comes in to poke at my ankle and ask if this or that, no, YES!!! "I'm going to bring in some ice (clearly the garbage bag full of ice I came in with is not cold enough) and I'll grab you some Motrin." So I tell her that I've already had some Tylenol and that I can't have the Motrin anyway. She decides to give me a quick 2 sentence blurp on why mixing Tylenol and Motrin is ok because they are 2 different types of pain killers. To which I say, "I'm pregnant." (#4) She looks at my chart and says, "Oh, I see that now. Sorry." Then come the x-ray technicians. I ask if I should be getting an exray due to the whole pregnancy thing (#5 & technically #6...but we'll count these ladies as one) They both look at each other with panic, consult my chart to confirm that I am in fact pregnant, and decide that if they put 2 lead aprons on my belly and keep the x-rays as far away from my belly as they can it will be fine. Now it's the doctor's turn to come in. He pokes and moves my ankle...same result as the nurse. Then he offers me Motrin or Ibuprophen. And I promptly tell him that I'm preggers (#6). "Oh, well, then let's just keep that ice on it and keep it elevated until we get the x-rays back." He then asks how far along I am and I tell him I'm in the middle of my 23rd week. (Before I go into this next part let me preface it by saying our little man is safe and sound in his mamma's bellers.) So he launches into this discussion how at the 24th week of pregnancy you hit this milestone where the chances of the survival of the baby are increased significantly, and that even though I didn't hit my stomache the force of me falling and then suddenly stopping could cause the placenta to tear away from the uterine wall. We can do an ultrasound for this, however, if this did happen there is nothing that can be done in any case. I was fine until now. I'm going into a minature panic. He calls my baby doc and explains what happened. They agree that they will take the baby's heartrate and if it is abnormal they will order an ultrasound. Everything is I avoided that stress. Then after an hour of waiting the doc said the nurse will come in and have me stand and walk on my ankle. If it hurts too much he will give me an air cast and send me home. She came in with a paper on how to care for a sprain, and before I could stand up to see if my ankle was ok she was telling me where to go to check out and she walked out. So I'm now sitting at work, still in pain with nothing more than a "tough-it-out" from the hospital. But the silver lining is that it's the weekend and my baby's ok!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Star Wars according to a 3 year old.

So I saw this video of the simplest description of Star Wars...and I watched Star Wars for the first time a couple of weeks ago...and this is about what I got out of it. This is so relateable to me! LOL! Mark will kill me for thinking that Star Wars can be summed up this quickly.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Fourteen reasons I am excited to be an aunt!

I know I've been blogging a LOT about little Baby B growing away quickly in my belly...but I can't forget the load of nephews and nieces I have that I love so much!

1. No matter what they do to frustrate their mom and dad they are always so perfect in my eyes!
2. Unconditional love for Aunt Stacy!
3. Because my sisters make great moms (and aunts - I couldn't forget you Asher!)
4. I get to tend them and catch up on their lives from their point of view...alway entertaining and fun!
5. They're always so happy to see me! (For now at least)
6. All of the funny sayings that come out of their mouth make my whole body smile!
7. I'm so proud of all of their accomplishments and I love that I'm invited to share in all of them when I'm in town.
8. They are all so beautiful/handsome on the inside and the outside.
9. Each one has such a unique personality that makes it a new adventure each time we hang out.
10. I love how my creativity and energy quadruple when I spend time with them.
11. How the remember the little things about spending time with's not about what gifts they got or anything materialistic like them it's about the experiences.
12. They are so smart, all of them. I'm amazed at the amounts of knowledge crammed into their little heads!
13. Their smiles and laughter are infectious.
14. Without each and every one of them our family would be incomplete. I lied

Here's the deal. Remember eleventy billion posts ago I said I felt the baby move? And then I said I could be wrong and I might end up posting later on that I was off my rocker? flash...I was off my rocker. I for sure felt the baby move just now, and it felt nothing like what I had originally felt. So I apologize for misleading you at the 15 week mark of my pregnancy. Now at the end of my 21st week I have felt my little man move! Keep on movin' Baby B!!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

The boredom tag...

44 ODD Things about ME!!!!

1. Do you like blue cheese? I didn't about 2 years ago...but now I love the stuff.

2. Have you ever smoked? Sadly yes. A couple times when I was 13 thanks to Justine Peterson and her Wiskey Tango (WT for those of you who are new to the expression) family. And also right when I moved out to Oregon and LeeAnne and I got plastered with her dad and mom and aunt and uncle (one of the many times that happened) But never again since...I swear!

3. Do you own a gun? I'm with Britt on this one...Heck no! And if I have anything to do with it we never will!

4. What flavor of Kool Aid was your favorite? Dark Cherry...I hated Strawberry! It was Brittney's fault I was tortured with that stuff as a kid!

5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? I do.

6. What do you think of hot dogs? Love them. But the give me heartburn so I stay away from them. Even the thought of them gives me heartburn.

7. Favorite Christmas movie? White Christmas...Brittney's rolling her eyes right now!

8. Favorite thing to drink in the morning ? A mixture of Hot Mango tea and White tea with sugar.

9. Can you do push ups? Yep...but not as many as I used to be able to do.

10. Favorite piece of jewelry? My wedding ring.

11. Favorite hobby? Card making, crocheting, and cross stitching...I sound like a 70 year old grandma!

12. Do you have A.D.D.? Nope. I have a rediculous attention span...I can go days doing the most tedious task and not get the slightest bit stir crazy...unless that task is housework...then I can think of a pazillion other things I'd like to be doing.

13. What is one trait you hate about yourself? Self-dicipline. I have little to none. It's something i want to work on...but I can't find the dicipline to do! (And you think I'm joking!)

14. Middle name? Lynn.

15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment...I should be studying for my 66, 1 1/2 hours until the weekend starts, I can't wait to finish registering at Babies R Us and Target this weekend.

16. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? Water, Tea, milk.

17. Current worry? How bad the epidural and episiodomy are going to hurt.

18. Current hate right now? Working out...what a crappy necessary evil...Please refer to # 13 if you need more insight!

19. Favorite place to be? Cuddling up to Mark on our couch and watching a movie on Sunday morning.

20. How did you bring in the New Year? We were in bed at 10. But I set my alarm for midnight...we woke up long enough to give eachother a quick peck and we were both back asleep before our heads hit the pillows.

21. Where would you like to go? Back to Hawaii, Spain, Canada, Alaska, New York, Australia, Ireland, Germany, Japan, and North Carolina.

22. Name three people who might complete this? Lindsea, um...Brittney already did...does she count...and LeeAnne?! I'm just throwing names out there...feel free to throw em back!

23. Do you own slippers? I do...they're the brand Smartdogs! So comfy!

24. What shirt are you wearing? A green floral maternity shirt and a black camesol. Both maternity clothes donated to the Stacy Mathews preggers cause by LeeAnne!

25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? Not really...and the only reason is your comforter slides of the bed mid-sleep. It's quite annoying.

26. Can you whistle? No. But I've come to grips with it and I have grown stronger from it every day.

27. Pink or Red? Red for sure.

28. Would you be a pirate? NO WAY!!! That's not even a funny question! Who put that on there?! All thanks to Matt Maynard I can no longer think of pirates in a clean way...(insert dry-heave here) You have taken that from me Matt and I can never get it back!

29. What songs do you sing in the AM? Wake up, wake up, the sun is up. The dew is on the buttercup...but I only sing it on the rare weekend when I want Mark to get out of bed and come enjoy a lazy couch day with me.

30. Favorite girl's name? I really like Blakely...but I think I am alone in this.

31. Favorite boy's name? Nice try...I'm not giving away what the Baby M is going to be named...You sly tag you!

32. What's in your pocket right now? I have a bus pass in my jacket pocket...but these pants (maternity pants from LeeAnne again) have no pockets.

33. Last thing that made you laugh? for at least one solid laugh a day.

34. What vehicle do you drive? 2008 Ford Escape's new and it's wonderful!

35. Worst injury you have ever had? Last year I was walking to my car after work and one of my feet got caught in the shoe on my other foot and I fell...hard. I peeled 2 tendons that attach my muscles to my bones on my left still hurts to this day...but the shoes were way cute!

36. Do you like where you live? It's good for now...but not a forever situation. I can't wait to reacquaint myself with Utah.

37. How many TVs do you have in your house? 1...and it has no remote control! We're about as high-tech as they come.

38. Who is your loudest friend? contest.

39. Do you have any pets? Lewey...the 27 pound bundle of feline love! JoJo...the typical finicky cat that loves me so much! And Lucy...our tiny Yorkiepoo that has more energy than I know what to do with.

40. Does someone have a crush on you? Let's assume Mark.

41. What are your favorite books? DaVinvi Code, Ghost in the White City, and anything by Nicholas Sparks.

42. Do you collect anything? Nope.

43. Favorite sports team? Utes and the Buckeyes.

44. What song do you want played at your funeral? "Back in the Saddle Again" Dedicated to Mark, of course :)

I hope some of this made you laugh. And maybe you learned a little something about me too!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

IT'S ONLY 3!!!

I am only exaggerating a little when I say that I've been at work for at least 21 hours today! At least that's what it feels like. The day started out busy, which is usually a good thing because it means the day zooms by and in no time I'm sitting with my hubby talking about baby stuff, or football, or any of the other random things we do. But somehow even the busyness seemed to pass by like frozen molasis. I'm bored out of my mind! It really should be Friday according to how much time has gone by today! Zzz...zzz...zzz...zzz... You get the picture...I'm sure! Maybe tomorrow will be much better. (Insert the Little Orphan Annie song here! Somehow I feel better knowing that tomorrow is only a day away)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

It's a boy!!!

We're proud expectant parents of a little boy! Please feel free to flood me with name ideas! I can't wait to see his little face and hold his little hands! During the ultrasound the lady got an amazing shot of his face. His arms were crossed in front of his eyes, so it was a cute shot of his little nose and lips and chin. It made my heart jump! I can't even imagine how overwhelmed I'm going to be when he's in my arms.

And for the bad news...I have gained too much weight for my doctor's comfort at this point in my pregnancy. So it's hitting the eliptical and the weights for the rest of my pregnancy. And I'll be honest...I'm not super excited about it. The workout room in our condo is not heated...for all I know it's not insulated. So I need to work out in sweat pants and hoodies with a space heater blowing on me so I don't get too cold. But I'd rather do that than end up weighing 225 pounds by the time this is all said and done.

Mark got a boo boo

So...usually I'm the one in our relationship that is the most accident prone...but not this time! Mark got a goose egg right on his eyebrow! He clocked himself in the face when he opened the car door!!! I know I need to be more supportive and not laugh...but I couldn't help it. I don't know how well you can tell in the picture, but in real life it's pretty swollen. I told him to ice it and take some ibuprophen, but he wanted to man it out...silly him!

Monday, January 5, 2009

This weekend was GREAT!!!

So there were 3 things that made this weekend WONDERFUL!!! To start the weekend off...Friday night...THE UTES KICKED SOME CRIMSON BOOTY!!!! I hadn't seen a single Ute game all season and I was awe-struck with how amazing they play! 13-0! UNDEFEATED BABY!!! They even made a believer out of my husband.

Then Saturday morning we traded in my cute, little, not family friendly Eclipse in for an SUV. It's an '08 Ford Escape Hybrid. It is so cute and it drives wonderfully. I miss my car...but sacrifices must be made in the name of parenthood! Here are some pics of the new ride.

So our great weekend continued on into Saturday night. I took Mark out on a date for the first time in our history...he takes me on dates all the time...but this time it was all me. We went out to a really nice French restaurant. Neither of us had ever had French cuisine. We both loved it. It was so tasty! Then we went to Bedtime Stories...the new Adam Sandler movie. So cute! I really liked it. Very kid friendly, and very funny! Mark and I laughed out-loud often during the flick. It was a great weekend!

Today's the half-way point

So today I have 140 days left in my pregnancy and I've gone through 140 days already. Twenty weeks down...twenty weeks left! It feels like I've been preggers for 20 months...I think it's all the anticipation that is making it seem like it takes forever. On Thursday I find out if it's a boy or a girl! WOO HOO!!!