Friday, January 23, 2009

Fourteen reasons I am excited to be an aunt!

I know I've been blogging a LOT about little Baby B growing away quickly in my belly...but I can't forget the load of nephews and nieces I have that I love so much!

1. No matter what they do to frustrate their mom and dad they are always so perfect in my eyes!
2. Unconditional love for Aunt Stacy!
3. Because my sisters make great moms (and aunts - I couldn't forget you Asher!)
4. I get to tend them and catch up on their lives from their point of view...alway entertaining and fun!
5. They're always so happy to see me! (For now at least)
6. All of the funny sayings that come out of their mouth make my whole body smile!
7. I'm so proud of all of their accomplishments and I love that I'm invited to share in all of them when I'm in town.
8. They are all so beautiful/handsome on the inside and the outside.
9. Each one has such a unique personality that makes it a new adventure each time we hang out.
10. I love how my creativity and energy quadruple when I spend time with them.
11. How the remember the little things about spending time with's not about what gifts they got or anything materialistic like them it's about the experiences.
12. They are so smart, all of them. I'm amazed at the amounts of knowledge crammed into their little heads!
13. Their smiles and laughter are infectious.
14. Without each and every one of them our family would be incomplete.

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