Wednesday, April 29, 2009

And the dialation begins...

So I had my first weekly internal exam today. I can honestly say that I've never been excited to have a woman poke around in me until this morning...I just wanted to know if there was any forward progress for this little man's welcome into the world. And low and behold I am just over one centimeter dialated! WOO HOO! The doc said we should go into labor in two to three weeks. So everyone get excited for the day there is a new little Mathews! I know Mark and I can't wait.


The Halls said...

That is great! Are you being seen every week now? Now the fun stuff starts...

LeeAnne said...

Yeah!!!! That's so exciting....How are you doing? Are you miserable? I just wanted it to be over:) Are you at the same address? I have stuff for the baby:)

The Halls said...

You should post everyday...just so we know when you do go into labor...not kidding...