Monday, January 5, 2009

This weekend was GREAT!!!

So there were 3 things that made this weekend WONDERFUL!!! To start the weekend off...Friday night...THE UTES KICKED SOME CRIMSON BOOTY!!!! I hadn't seen a single Ute game all season and I was awe-struck with how amazing they play! 13-0! UNDEFEATED BABY!!! They even made a believer out of my husband.

Then Saturday morning we traded in my cute, little, not family friendly Eclipse in for an SUV. It's an '08 Ford Escape Hybrid. It is so cute and it drives wonderfully. I miss my car...but sacrifices must be made in the name of parenthood! Here are some pics of the new ride.

So our great weekend continued on into Saturday night. I took Mark out on a date for the first time in our history...he takes me on dates all the time...but this time it was all me. We went out to a really nice French restaurant. Neither of us had ever had French cuisine. We both loved it. It was so tasty! Then we went to Bedtime Stories...the new Adam Sandler movie. So cute! I really liked it. Very kid friendly, and very funny! Mark and I laughed out-loud often during the flick. It was a great weekend!


The Halls said...

Love the new car...hopefully we will see it out here soon!

The Halls said...

um...I officially hate your guts...that is the worst present in the history of presents...worst for me - great for Kaden and Christian it turns out.

It was cute for about the first two minutes and after that I just wanted to smash it to teenie tiny pieces with a hammer...

All I have to say is what goes around comes around...paybacks are a bitch woman...

The Mathews said...

Hahaha! I actually went to some lenghth to try and pick out the least annoying gift! That's funny! I hope Kaden loves it for the next year! It needs to last until he's 9...that's a great year for drums:)

The Halls said...

I will bury you with drums...not kidding. you will be swimming with the fishies...catch my drift?

You just wait until that kid of yours is old enough to play with noisy's comin'...count on it.

LeeAnne said...

Oh my gosh! We have the same car!!! That is so funny! Mine is just a dark gray! I love it!! They are the best!

B&CWoodward said...

Nice ride sis! Same color as the little sporty car you had to trade in, boo hoo, but like you said, its all in the name of parenthood!! Just think of everything else you'll have to do for the sake of the little chillins!! It coming, be ready for the ride!! Love you mom

CONGRATS on the little boy!!! I gave you a few names already, I'm still thinking of more. I'll keep you posted!