Monday, October 20, 2008

A new post...finally

Hey there all...if you haven't heard yet I'm going to be a mommy in about 7 months. Yesterday officially marked the end of my first fifth of this thing called pregnancy. Last week also ushered in bouts of violent "morning sickness" that left me having lengthy prayers with the porcelin god. I can honestly say that I hate that part.

A couple weekends ago Mark and I went to the Lincoln Park Zoo...mostly because it's free and that's about all we can swing these days. Anyway...while we were there we saw someone I graduated high school with...Patrick Reynolds. You know him...he was friends with that know, the basketball player. You know, his mom used to make those fun things for all of the parents to wear at all of the football games. No, doesn't ring a bell?! You'd know him if you saw him...(just a fun jab at the old momster!!! Love you Mom!) Anyway...did I go talk to him? HECK NO! He told everyone in the school I was harry my freshman year and have you seen too much hair on my arms and legs since?! Of course not! SCARRED ME FOR LIFE. But the girl he was with looked quite pretty...albeit hair-free :-)

And yesterday we went to Wisconsin to look at all of the leaves changing colors. The time was well spent with good company and many laughs...but at the end of the day I was nauseous and tired and ready to call it a night.

Can't think of too much else to say at this point...but hopefully we get the internet up an running in the next couple weeks (by couple I mean 4) so I can finally post some cool pictures.


The Barlows said...


get some pictures up now!!!

haha love you!!

The Halls said...

I was beginning to wonder if you had forgotten you had a blog...thanks for the update!